Past Presidents

John Villa: 2017-2021
On February 9th, 2017, John Villa took over as interim President and was then formally elected at the June 2017 Board Meeting as President by the Board of Directors. During the start of his term, he took over the organization with 2,300 members and growing. During his term, John Villa faced many challenges with the Pandemic and much of the unknown the world was facing then. Unsure of what was ahead, he knew that our members needed us, and he made sure LACCEA would be there.
Lorenzo Sandoval: 1996-2017
In July 2007, the Board of Directors re-elected Mr. Lorenzo Sandoval as President. Coming into a new term, Mr. Sandoval gave his word and commitment to seek out the departments that failed our members and help provide them with a fair work environment, where equal treatment for all would be the standard, not the exception. He ensured that if our member's rights were violated, he would not hesitate to correct the matter alongside of LACCEA, fighting for those rights.